Keyword Research

Find keywords that are important to your dental practice, including terms that are specific to the area. Find terms with a lot of traffic and little competition by using tools like Google Keyword Planner.

Local SEO

Get happy customers to write good reviews on your Google Business Profile. Show that you care by responding to reviews, both good and bad.

On-Page Optimization

Make sure the content on your website is of good quality, useful, and interesting. Don't force keywords into your content; use them naturally, especially in headers, meta descriptions, and title tags.

Optimize Images

To make your website load faster, compress and optimize all of the images on it. To help search engines understand what a picture is about, use descriptive alt text.

Content Marketing

Add new blog posts, stories, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) about dental health to your website on a regular basis. Your audience will find this useful, and it will also help your website's SEO.

Local Citations

Make sure that your business name, address, and phone number are the same on all platforms by building local citations on trustworthy sites.

Video Content

Make and improve videos that are about dental health and treatments. Videos can get people to interact with and stay on your website longer.