What Are the Benefits of Using a Bulk DA PA Checker?

We all know that the DA PA is one of the two widely recognized metrics in the SEO field. Both these greatly help in determining the ranking potential of a website or webpage in the search engine results pages. However, these are not considered Google’s official ranking factors. 

A bulk DA PA checker is used to quickly measure the domain and page authority score of numerous websites at once, saving time and effort. 

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the notable advantages of using a bulk domain and page authority checker. 

Benefits of Using a Bulk DA PA Checker

There are numerous benefits of using a bulk DA PA checker; some of them are as follows: 

  1. Quick Competitor Analysis

SEO experts know how important competitor analysis is to staying ahead online. They always recommend keeping a close eye on a competitor’s website’s performance, such as its DA and PA. However, it is also true you will not have only one or two competitors; instead, there can be a bunch of websites competing with your own. 

So, in such cases, checking the DA PA of each competitor one by one will kill most of the valuable time and effort. Fortunately, a bulk DA PA checker can solve this problem. It can automatically scan a number of URLs at once to quickly and accurately measure the domain and page authority scores. 

However, the website limit per submission may vary depending on the tool and plan (free or paid) being used. 

To demonstrate better, we scanned multiple URLs with a bulk DA PA checker, and the results it provided can be seen below. 

 Benefits of Using a Bulk DA PA Checker

This is how you quickly scan the DA PA scores of all your competitors in one go and save significant time and effort. 

  1. Identify high-performing Performing Pages

Your website will definitely have a bunch of pages, and if you want to identify the most powerful and high-ranking ones, then just check their page authority score. To do so, a bulk DA PA will again come in handy since it also provides a page authority score. 

 Benefits of Using a Bulk DA PA Checker

When you identify the pages with high PA scores, you will have an efficient idea of what’s working best and what’s not. So, you can then tailor the strategy accordingly for maximum dominance in the Google search results. 

  1. Ability to Extract URLs from Raw Text

This is something that most people will find interesting, especially SEO professionals who have expertise in guest posting. They often have to manually extract URLs from emails or files and then scan for DA PA score analysis. 

Thankfully, a bulk DA PA checker also has a solution to this. It can automatically extract domain URLs with maximum accuracy and provide you with the output results. 

However, keep in mind that not every bulk domain and page authority checker offers this feature. Gladly, the one we are using for demonstration purposes throughout this blog has this capability. For a demonstration, see the screenshot attached below. 

 Benefits of Using a Bulk DA PA Checker

As the picture tells us, the tool has only extracted URLs while ignoring plain text and started the “Checking” process to calculate domain and page authority. 

  1. No Search Query limit

The heading tells everything. Most bulk DA PA checkers available on the internet are completely free to use. This means users can scan a bunch of website URLs on a daily basis without worrying about notifications like “Limit Reached,” “Daily Quota Completed,” etc. 

  1. Saves time

Finally, checking the website DA and PA scores one by one will take a lot of time, resulting in damaged product, efficiency, and workflow as well. Here, a bulk DA PA checker will act as a lifesaver as it can process numerous URLs at once and provide domain and page authority scores within seconds. 

Wrapping Up

checker,Now, there is no need to copy, paste, and scan each website URL for domain and page authority calculation. Instead, with the help of a bulk DA PA checker, you can enter all the numerous domains at once and get output results within minutes.