What is Bing SEO? How Bing SEO different from Google SEO?

Have you heard about Bing Search Engine? Bing is a search engine which belongs to Microsoft and it is the second most widely used search engine in the world after Google.

Lots of people from all over the world are still making use of Bing. It is an ad serving system that also helping a website to get traffic from Bing search engine.

What is Bing SEO?

The Bing SEO system was designed to promote SEO by organizing the website’s content in a way that the search engines’ crawlers want to see it.

If you web store, or some other website that is not optimized for Bing search engine. Bing gives you a way to gain more views and brand recognition with more traffic from the Bing search engine.

That is something very important if you want your business to grow.

If you are a webmaster and not thought about this, then you are making a mistake. Make sure that you are looking at Bing to get you some very good traffic to your website and with much less effort compared to Google.

Many people are already making good use of this and getting quality traffic for their website. (Neil)

When we start talking about SEO, the only thing that comes to the find is Google. We do not think about anything more.

We do not every think about any other search engines. But is Google the only thing that is there, are people not making use of any other search engine, have we ever though about that?

Well, I do not think so, our full effort on SEO are only focused only on Google and nothing more. This could be very dangerous and may impact us in terms of missing out on quality traffic. SO if you want to get the best of overall traffic, make sure that you do not miss out on bing.com

This is one of the best and gives good results. This is worlds second most popular search engine based on the results.

If you want to do well with this search engine then the process of Bing SEO little different and you should know how that works.

This if made use of wisely then may become a lucrative channel and this is something very important that you need to keep in mind.

Make sure that you understand how to do Bing search results optimization and once you know that, then that gives you much choicer. You do not need to reply on Google at all.

Many people make this mistake of not focussing of this aspect and then regret later and that is the last thing that you may want.

You should always make sure that when you do SEO Bing is always a part of your plan. It is got so much of traffic which you can make use of for business on your website and more sales.

One very important point that you need to keep in mind that big has got much lower competition compared to Google and hence one can really work hard on this and look to get some good traffic out. 

It has good traffic in most of the verticals, which can be of great benefit for your website and can give you very good results in quick time.

There are many people who are getting very good results and give you really more business, can you ask for more?

Once you do, that makes things much better in terms of reliance on Google and you have many more options.

One very important factor that one should know with Bing is much lower bounce rate and this is something that means, you will get much higher traffic compared to Google.  

If you want to get good results, then you make sure that you understand the right aspects of Bing SEO.

Once you do that then the process becomes much easier and you can make your website ready for Bing. Once you do that your ranking would go up a great deal.

Bing is generally giving good results to most of the webmasters and that is proving to be of great help. Eventually giving more business and that is something very important, that they need to keep in mind.

The quality of traffic is something very important and one cannot ignore it at all.  So make sure you do test your website. Make sure with Bing and you will be surprised with the amazing result that you get. Bing SEO can help you get this traffic from Bing.

With a little bit of planning which is not similar to Google you can get your website ready for Bing too and since the competition is much less, results could be much better and faster.

When you work with Bing, the basic procedure of SEO remains the same, but certain things do change. So basically this is making use of similar basic techniques and getting different results.

Make sure that you give bing a try as once you do, you will come to know that real good traffic will come to you and that also with less effort.

Bing is very open with how they rank and hence it become much easier for people to plan things accordingly and this is something one should not miss as a professional or a webmaster.

Let us look at some important factors which affect Bing on their results

Back links have got major impact on Google, but it is not something that is same for Bing. Also there is no evidence that links play an important role in ranking a website in Bing.

So this can be considered as a major difference between the two. 

Most of the search engine optimization professionals have taken this factor very seriously, but with Bing this may not have the same impact and hence one need to be careful and adapt accordingly for the same.

Bing has got a different way, they do trust the content based on bings commentary. Bings generally focuses more on the quantity of the back link rather then the quality.

This is exactly opposite of what Google does and may impact the results also a great deal.

While making sure, exact match anchor text that is your keyword is also given importance and this has an impact. SO make sure you are well versed with this and focus on these things, when working with Bing as this is not what you do generally with Google. Bing says basically they trust webmasters and their content. (Searchenginejournal)

Priority by Bing is given to different websites, let us have look which are those

Organic links – these are links from the trusted websites which have already got lots of importance set. SO if you have them already from your SEO efforts that make it a little easy.

Old domains – Link of the domains which are old are also given important and this should be kept in mind. There are some website from 1990.

These are sitting on top of results for some keywords and hence this is something different then Google.

On-Page Bing SEO

Well, let us look at this too. Bing focuses lots on-page stuff and title tags are or great importance, domain names having keywords could be of great help.

Not to mention high-quality content is something that cannot be missed and is something that is a must.

Bing still relies on some older factors which are there and it is not something that we are used to seeing on Google.

While doing optimizing for Bing, you may think that you are optimizing for Google which was 5 years old.

So as you have noticed some aspects have changed completely, as compared to Google. But Bing has got a good amount of traffic and that can help you get some valuable business. 

The quality of traffic is generally good and you have a good user-friendly system to set up campaigns and promote your website.

So if you are a webmaster who wants something more and does not only rely on Google, this is one thing you should be looking at.

Remember the search engine traffic is much better and larger compared to anything else on the web and this is a widely known fact.

Bing SEO and Google SEO are both important because they both allow you to advertise your products and services using a huge network of users. 

This will mean that your business will grow and also you get a good variety, one cannot ask for anything more.

They both serve as fantastic tools to boost your search engine results. Optimize your website to work with them for better ranks and visibility. They go hand in hand and if people make use of combination in the right way it will help you much more.  Bing is a search engine that is set to grow and give even better results with time.