How PPC work? PPC Advertising Trends​

Pay Per Click (PPC) an internet marketing system where advertisers pay a fee every time they click on one of their advertisements. Basically, it is a method of buying visits to your websites instead of earning organically from those visits.

If you’ve ever noticed the commercials or advertisements that appear on Google and other search engines alongside the other search results then you’re already familiar with the PPC advertising.

The main objective of a PPC advertisements is to direct the visitor to click through to the app or website of the advertiser from where that visitor can purchase a product from that particular website.

There are several types of PPC ads from which paid search ad is one of the most common type. Such ads appear as people use a search engine to search for things online- particularly during commercial searches which signifies that they are searching for something to purchase. Some of the searches that trigger pay-per-click include mobile search, someone shopping for a gift, enterprise software or a local service search.

Search engines are extremely popular platforms for advertisements. They provide you the facility to display advertisements which are relevant to the users.

Google ads and Bing ads are those advertising services which are operating in Real Time Bidding (RTB). They provide a platform where advertising stocks are sold using real-time data in a private automated auction.

How Does Pay Per Click (PPC) Work?

There is an immediate auction for a keyboard occurs at a time whenever there is an ad appears on a Search Engine Result Page (SERP). The one who will display in the top spot of SERP will be regarded as the winner, which was determined by amalgamation of several factors like ad’s quality and bid amount.    

Such auctions drive the Pay Per Click (PPC) mechanisms in motion. When someone is looking for something on a search engine then an auction occurs. Whenever advertisers are interested in showing advertisements relevant to the search query of a user, an auction is initiated depending on the keywords that advertisers bid on. Then the advertisements that win the auction display on the results page of the search engine.

Advertisers utilize accounts that are available on platforms like Google Ads in order to get involved in these auctions and configure their advertisements to decide when and where those ads will appear. For reliable reporting and management of various product types, locations and other valuable aspects, their accounts are organized into campaigns. Further, these campaigns are categorized into ad groups containing relevant ads and keywords.


Keywords connect the advertisers with the search queries of users and lie at the core of PPC. The user types a word into a search box of a particular search engine in order to obtain results. Those actual words by the user are known as Queries. On the other hand, keywords are the set of valuable words use by the advertisers in matching the search queries of a user to attract them.

Keywords serve as the main foundation of PPC and also as the generalized abstractions of search engine. They can mislead the user by adding inappropriate words as they are highly prone to irregularities such as misspellings.

The search queries can be more or less precisely match by the advertisers based on the type of a keyword match they choose.


You also have to organize ads in your campaigns along with keywords. All the ads are ingrained within a cluster. They are grouped by unique themes and generally target communal keywords.

URL, headline and description are the major elements of ads

Related Topic: What is Cost Per Click (CPC) ? How does CPC work?

Advertising Trends in 2021

The use of digital advertising is continuously evolving around the world by serving more effective and user friendly aspects. This content illustrates the most important and upcoming trends in PPC Advertising.

  • PPC and the biggest marketing picture:

Significance of appealing and identifying over numerous platforms and channels to target audience has been illustrated by many experts. Moreover, cross-channel plans needs to be created in order to ensure proper implementation of campaigns.

Wesley MacLaggan working as SVP of Marketing in Marin Software stated that the search, social and ecommerce are blurring together. According to him, Amazon’s growth as an ad platform will certainly overhaul the ad industry. It signifies the massive channel diversification and integration in 2021.

Liam Wade, head of PPC in Impression said, in 2021, integrated campaigns will rely at front position. He said, “Just look at Google’s Smart Shopping to see how channels work better together; rolling PLAs, Dynamic remarketing and cross-network audience targeting into one”.

Kirk Williams, founder of ZATO illustrated that at the time of implementing marketing strategies advertisers and companies need to understand the place of Pay Per Click (PPC) along with its actual working. He said, “Marketers need to care about all of the ways that a business grows in its totality, and then determine how to fit the PPC channel into that overall business growth, including strategy, creative, and reporting”.

  • Increasing value of PPC:

According to our experts, the PPC advertisers who have an ability to think strategically will be in a great demand when several monotonous tasks get eliminated by automation.

The PPC advertisers become successful who are able to build effective strategies, said Amy Bishop, Owner & Digital Marketing Consultant at Cultivative. He said, “In a changing landscape, strategy only ever becomes more and more valuable”.

Donoghue agreed on his statement and said, “Focusing on helping clients set strategy, really understanding who our audience is and what it’ll take to solve their problems is going to be key”.

Leadership in this field is more valuable when there are table stakes ineffective management, said Amy Hebdon, Founder of Paid Search Magic. He said, “Leadership requires big-picture thinking. It involves understanding consumer wants and needs, knowing how to target beyond the “local maximum,” and making strategic decisions for clients. Marketing leaders who drive strategy and leverage automation to accomplish their growth goals will have even more success in 2021.”

  • Brand Affinity, Safety & Awareness at the center of attention:

Pauline Jakober, CEO of Group Twenty Seven has high expectations from the Pay Per Click (PPC) advertisers that in 2021 they will take branding to another level.  Jakober said,” More and more, I’m seeing marketers move beyond brand awareness and aim for brand affinity. Marketers are no longer satisfied with familiarizing potential customers with their brand. They also want to influence how potential customers feel about it and respond to it.”

Donoghue accepted that by 2021, brand awareness will be more effective.

Through digital advertising, Bacchini also expects to see a return to branding. She said, “Building a connection to your brand has always mattered, we’ve just largely ignored it for the past 15 years.”

  •  The year of technical marketer:

According to AJ Wilcox, LinkedIn Ads Expert & Founder at B2Linked Marketers, the upcoming year will be the year of technical PPC advertiser. He said, “We’ll see marketers becoming more technical, leading to things like wider adoption and reliance on CRM data in conjunction with their advertising efforts. Marketers will be tracking the lifecycle of leads and will be the ones predicting performance, and not Finance or IT.”

Similarly, the acquisition of technical expertise will allow you to organize, analyze and execute digital campaigns, said John Lee, Learning Strategist at Microsoft Advertising. He said, “These skills are fundamental to the use of tools like Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising Scripts or feed-based features like Shopping, Ad Customizers, etc., Let alone how these skills can help you in piecing together data sets in BI tools, etc.”