How to See What Someone Likes on Instagram?

Instagram is more than a platform for sharing moments. It is a barometer that reveals preferences, trends, and interests through likes, views, and other engagement metrics. Have you wondered how to see what someone likes on Instagram? There is no straightforward way to monitor what your friends like. Yet, there are different methods. Check them and find the best one for you.

8 Ways to Learn How to See What Someone Likes on Instagram

There are 8 different methods to check a person’s liked content. Before checking the list,
you can read Views4You blog post for another point of view.

1. Observe Mutual Likes on Posts

You can keep an eye on who has liked the posts that show up in your Instagram feed while you browse around. When someone you follow likes a post, their name can show up underneath it with the words “Liked by X and others.” This is a direct and clear indicator, which shows that they are interested in that material. This strategy can only work if the person is among the first few likers that Instagram displays.

By showcasing shared interests, this feature takes advantage of the social ties between users. It may be quite helpful when attempting to comprehend someone’s preferences and likes without having direct access to their whole activity.

2. Interactions through Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories provide a dynamic view into the interests and activities of users. Emojis and comments are two ways that users can respond to stories, and a content creator can see these responses. You can observe who is reacting to your material; they can only view, like, or send stickers.
Stories are temporary, lasting only 24 hours; thus, this strategy works especially well since it may inspire more sincere and spontaneous responses.

3. Analyze Comments

A user’s tastes may be inferred a great deal from their comments. People often leave comments on posts that resonate with them. You may find quite a lot about a user’s hobbies by reading their comments. Although it takes longer and involves more observation, this approach might reveal more about an individual’s Instagram likes and interests. Comments left by users who often interact with particular categories of content, like personal blogs, sports, and fashion, can provide insight into what their likes and interests are.

4. Notifications for User Activities

It is simple to keep track of someone’s likes by setting up alerts for particular accounts. You can easily observe when someone shares information or interacts with your content if you enable post notifications. This technique is especially helpful for monitoring close relationships or popular people. By giving you a real-time stream of user activity, notifications may notify you of any interactions, including likes, comments, and shares.

5. Use Third-Party Apps

Another way to learn how to see what someone likes on Instagram is to use third-party apps. Many third-party apps make the claim of being able to monitor Instagram users’ likes. These applications can be used if they are really secure. You need to search well to find the right third-party app. Otherwise, using a third-party app puts your security and privacy at risk, and it may potentially result in account suspensions and bans.

6. Engagement Patterns Over Time

Users develop patterns in what they post and engage with. For example, a fashion enthusiast may regularly like and comment on posts from a fashion brand or blog. You don’t have to see what each person loves to deduce a lot about what they enjoy by looking at these patterns. Beyond merely likes and comments, this pattern recognition technique also notices the kinds of posts that users frequently share or save.

It is possible to obtain a complete picture of a user’s preferences and interests by keeping an eye on these patterns over time.

7. Direct Engagement

Our other way to see what someone likes on Instagram is by directly talking to users. Direct communication is the best way if you want to truly grasp someone’s interests. Interacting with someone via DMs, comments, or responses to their stories starts a conversation and may result in similar interests and preferences. Deeper connections need the development of rapport and trust, which may be achieved by striking up meaningful discussions and demonstrating an interest in their subject.

Beyond the surface level of social media conversations, this method also enables you to
gain personal insights into what their interests are. It also gives you a chance to talk about
your own hobbies, which makes conversation more interesting and intimate on both ends.

8. Explore Liked Pages and Hashtags

Examining the sites and hashtags someone follows on the platform is another way to learn
what someone likes on Instagram. Even while you can’t view the specific things they like,
from those sites, you can get a decent notion of someone’s interests by seeing hashtags
and pages. Many details about their interests in work, hobbies, and lifestyle choices may
be gleaned from this search.

For example, following a range of travel-related pages and hashtags may indicate a love of discovery and adventure. Concentrating on hashtags connected to technology may signal a deep interest in the newest devices and innovations.

This way, you can find out what a user is interested in and which groups and pages on the platform they like.

Also Check: How to Use Instagram Photos to Engage Website Visitors


In summary, while it’s not as easy as it once was to see what someone likes on Instagram, there are still ways to gauge a user’s interests. However, remember to prioritize privacy and use Instagram in a way that enhances your own social media experience.