How to Write an Email Requesting a Meeting: Templates & Tips

Ever received a well-written meeting request email that you just couldn’t ignore?

Did you accept the invite without hesitation? What made you do so? Maybe it was the perfect offer, the right timing, or something else that entirely grabbed your attention.  

By understanding what makes you respond positively to meeting requests, you can create emails your prospects will want to accept. This approach can help you learn how to write an email requesting a meeting with more conviction and thus have a better chance of getting it opened, read, and accepted. 

So, what makes a good meeting request email? Are there specific elements you should focus on? This article will cover everything you need to know about crafting the perfect meeting request email as well as share some schedule a meeting email template examples.

But first things first, let’s start with the basics – what is a meeting request email? 

What is an Email Requesting a Meeting?

A meeting request email simply asks someone (prospects) to schedule a meeting with you. 

It is commonly used professionally to arrange business meetings, sales presentations, interviews, or formal or informal gatherings. 

The primary purpose of a meeting email is to invite the recipient to a meeting, provide relevant details, and often suggest a place and time for the meeting (if it’s a physical meeting). For online meetings, you just need to confirm the date and time. 

How to Write an Email Requesting a Meeting? – Step-By-Step Guide

Writing an effective meeting request email becomes easy when clearly defining your offer and needs. 

Here’s a sample meeting request email: 

Subject: Meeting Request - Discussing [Topic of Meeting]

Dear [Recipient Name],

Hope this email finds you well.

My name is [Your Name], and I'm [Your Job Title] at [Your Company]. I'm reaching out to request a meeting to discuss [Briefly describe the topic of the meeting].

I believe this meeting would be beneficial because [Explain why the meeting is essential and how it could benefit the recipient].

I'm available to meet on [Suggest a date] at [Time 1] or [Time 2]. If neither of these times works for you, please let me know your availability, and we can find a time that works best for both of us.

Thanks for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company]

How to Create an Effective Meeting Request Email

1. Create a Strong Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing your recipients will see in your email, so it needs to be impactful. 

Now, how do you do that?

Start by ensuring that the subject line is clear and concise and contains action-oriented words such as “Discuss,” “Meet,” “Collaborate,” “Explore,” etc. This will encourage the recipient to open the email and engage with its contents. Include keywords that indicate the topic of the meeting or the benefit they will gain from attending.

If you want to personalize the subject line, consider using the recipient’s name.

2. Personalize Your Email

Personalization is a buzzword in the email marketing industry. Does it work? Absolutely. Can you overdo it? Definitely. The key to effective personalization is to keep it genuine.

Personalization goes beyond just addressing the recipient by name. It involves tailoring the content of your email to reflect your understanding of their specific situation, interests, and needs.

Before drafting your email, research the recipient’s background, company, and recent activities or achievements. This information will help you frame your meeting request in a way that resonates with them.

If you share any mutual connections or have common interests with the recipient, mention them briefly. This helps to establish a sense of familiarity and build rapport.

When you send meeting requests to mass recipients, like in cold email outreach, you can leverage cold email tools to personalize at scale. 

3. Introduce Yourself

Introducing yourself effectively in a meeting request email sets the tone for your interaction and establishes credibility.

Start by clearly stating your full name and your position within your company. This helps the recipient understand who you are and your role in the context of the meeting request. Example: “My name is [Your Name], and I am the [Your Position] at [Your Company].”

Provide a brief overview of your background that is relevant to the purpose of the meeting. Highlight any expertise, experience, or qualifications pertinent to the discussion. Example: “With over [number] years of experience in [industry or field], I have successfully [brief accomplishment or specialization].”

Conclude your introduction by smoothly explaining why you are reaching out and requesting a meeting.

4. Write With a ‘What’s in It for Me’ Approach

When writing a meeting request email using a ‘What’s in It for Me’ (WIIFM) approach, the purpose is to clearly articulate the benefits and value proposition.

Start with a subject line immediately to communicate the value or outcome the recipient can expect from the meeting. For example, “Increase Your Revenue Potential: Let’s Discuss Partnership Opportunities.”

Articulate the specific benefits or outcomes the recipient can expect from attending the meeting. Whether it’s gaining insights, solving a problem, exploring new opportunities, or improving efficiency, clearly outline how they will benefit.

5. State The Purpose of the Meeting in Brief

Clearly articulate the main objective or focus of the meeting straightforwardly. This helps the recipient understand why the meeting is being requested and what they can expect to discuss or achieve.

Provide a clear and specific statement about the main topic or agenda of the meeting. Avoid vague or overly broad descriptions.

Example: “I am reaching out to discuss potential partnership opportunities between [Your Company] and [Recipient’s Company], focusing on how we can collaborate to achieve mutual growth.”

Briefly mention the benefits or outcomes of the meeting from the recipient’s perspective. Explain how they stand to gain or what problems could potentially be solved.

Clarify any specific goals or objectives you hope to accomplish during the meeting. This will help manage expectations and ensure both parties are aligned on the purpose of the discussion.

6. Propose a Date/Time

Provide a few date and time options for the meeting to increase the likelihood of finding a mutually convenient time. This shows you respect the recipient’s schedule and are flexible when coordinating the meeting.

Example: "Could we schedule a meeting on one of the following dates:

[Proposed Date 1], [Proposed Time]
[Proposed Date 2], [Proposed Time]
[Proposed Date 3], [Proposed Time]

Please let me know which option works best for you, or feel free to suggest an alternative time that fits your schedule.”

If you and the recipient are in different time zones, clarify the time zone you are referencing and offer to convert the proposed time to their local time for convenience.

7. Close with a Call to Action

Clearly state what action you would like the recipient to take next. This could be confirming the meeting time, suggesting an alternative time, or providing additional information.

Communicate your enthusiasm and readiness to move forward with the discussion. This encourages the recipient to respond promptly and positively to your meeting request.

Show willingness to assist with any additional information or arrangements to facilitate the meeting. This demonstrates your commitment to ensuring a smooth and productive discussion.

If scheduling the meeting has a deadline or urgency, mention it to prompt a timely response from the recipient.

The Best Meeting Request Email Templates and Samples

Meeting request emails are essential for initiating and scheduling various types of meetings in a professional context. Below are some schedule a meeting email template examples tailored for different scenarios:

1. Cold Meeting Request Email

A cold meeting request email is sent to someone you have little or no prior contact with, aiming to introduce yourself and propose a meeting to discuss a specific topic of mutual interest.

Sample Email:

Subject: Exploring Potential Collaboration

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Position] at [Your Company]. I came across [Recipient’s Company] and was impressed by [specific aspect or achievement].

I believe there may be an opportunity to collaborate on [mention topic or area of interest]. I would love to schedule a brief call or meeting to discuss this further. Are you available for a conversation next week?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

2. Sales Meeting Request Email

A sales meeting request email is sent to a potential client or prospect to discuss your products or services and convert them into customers.

Sample Email:

Subject: Discussing Solutions for [Prospect’s Company]

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I specialize in helping companies like yours [briefly mention your expertise or value proposition].

I would love to discuss how our solutions can benefit [Prospect’s Company] in achieving [specific goal or solving a challenge]. Could we schedule a meeting next week to explore this further?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

3. Product-demo Meeting Request

A product demo meeting request email invites potential customers or stakeholders to a demonstration of your product or service.

Sample Email:

Subject: Request for Product Demo

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company]. Our [product/service] has been designed to [mention critical benefits or features].

I would like to offer you a personalized demo to showcase how our [product/service] can address [specific needs or pain points] at [Recipient’s Company]. Could we schedule a demo session at your earliest convenience?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

4. Partnership Meeting Request

A partnership meeting request email initiates discussions regarding potential collaboration or partnership opportunities with another organization or individual.

Sample Email:

Subject: Exploring Partnership Opportunities

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m [Your Name], representing [Your Company]. I have been following [Recipient’s Company] and am impressed by your [mention specific aspect or achievement].

I believe there is potential for a meaningful partnership between our organizations, particularly in [mention area of collaboration]. I would love to discuss this further with you. Are you available for a meeting next week?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

5. Thank You for Meeting with Me Email Template

A thank you for meeting with me email is sent after a meeting to express gratitude and reaffirm interest in the next steps discussed during the meeting.

Sample Email:

Subject: Thank You for Our Meeting Today

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I wanted to extend my sincere thanks for taking the time to meet with me today. It was a pleasure discussing [briefly mention key topics discussed or outcomes].

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of [mention any agreed-upon next steps or actions]. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or require additional information.

Looking forward to our continued collaboration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

Conclusion on How to Write an Email Requesting a Meeting

Whether you’re setting up a sales pitch, scheduling a product demo, or exploring a potential partnership, the meeting request templates we discussed in this article will provide a solid starting point. Focusing on what matters most to your recipient and crafting resonating messages will increase your chances of securing that crucial meeting.

Always use an email checker when writing an email requesting meeting tips; stay authentic, and watch how email communications open doors to fruitful collaborations and opportunities.