How We Recovered With The Google Core Updates

Today, consumers have become independent, especially when they have questions to be answered. With just a tap of a finger, your smartphone opens you to an entire world of endless information. To help the internet consumers find what they are looking for, Google core updates assembles all the data according to your search intent. 

Google has dedicated itself to organize the world’s information and make it accessible to everyone.  Therefore it regularly comes up with new and advanced updates, so that the search engine could keep up with changing demands of its consumers.

What are the Google core updates?

Google has explained that updates of the algorithm are very important as they improve the ‘Search’ to meet the needs of different users. There are also some tweaks with specific purposes, for instance, the November 2019 algorithm had a huge effect on the local SEO.

The broad google core updates are the change to the main algorithm per se. What this means is that Google keeps adjusting the importance of the relevant topics based on their ranking factors in search engine optimization. What this means is that the dip and rise of your rankings are inevitable, because the guidelines of the way they are evaluated also keep changing. 

In case you have lost the traffic or your webpage has deranked, here is what you can do to recover it all back. 

  1. Never change your website during the roll-out

Google would continue to tweak the algorithm to ensure that it is beneficial for the user and the businesses. After some time your traffic should get back to normal. Therefore you must never implement any new changes to your website while the update is still in its infancy. 

Furthermore, if you are observing any growth or loss in the traffic, you can completely attribute it to the update. If you are changing your web design or any feature of your site, you would not be able to identify what has caused the traffic to mitigate. 

  1. Evaluate the quality of content

Search Engines give consumers the most relevant information to their query. With the prominence of the featured snippets on result pages, all businesses are competing for ‘position zero’.

These snippets offer the most reasonable answers to the questions of the users. Since these features are made in favour of most searchers, the user usually does not have to browse countless websites to get the answer. 

However, to reach that coveted position, you are required to match your content to the specifications of the consumer’s question. Other than being informative, your content also needs to be comprehensive and 100% original. Reiteration and copying from other sources would never attract the attention you’re yearning to grab.

  1. Stay focused at E-A-T

You must trust only the experts who have complete command of the subject when it comes to creating your YMYL topics. One way you can retain your content’s authority is by including the name of the writer. For instance, medical practices can strengthen their SEO by adding a short introduction entailing the academic accomplishment of the author. 

Another way to effectively improve the E-A-T of your website is by reworking your old blogs. When you are pressed for time, you should work with SEO services that are focused on specific industries. This is how you would be able to ensure the authenticity of your content. 

You should consider updating the content, if there is more timely information available and try to replace the authority links with relatively stronger links. Furthermore, you ought to create more internal links to the other blog posts of yours. These little editions would prove the trustworthiness of your website to search engine crawlers, and hence your website would be seen as the one that is worth ranking the highest. 

To put it all in a nutshell, if you want to be rewarded by Google you should stay focused on offering the best and the most relevant content. If you are successful in generating good-quality content you would be able to withstand broad google core updates and would grab the attention of many audiences. 

With a little bit of help from experts, you would be able to follow the latest updates with Google’s algorithm and keep your website search-friendly.