How Smart Australian Dentists Choose A Dental SEO Company

You have earned your degree from the best institution. You are a dedicated dentist with exceptional skills. You maintain a reputed brand image in your community. You earn recommendations from your patients. Shouldn’t this be enough to sustain your dental SEO marketing in Australia with the best dental SEO company?

Not in the 21st century. Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool. But in the digital era, you need some extra marketing hacks to keep your practice afloat. What?

SEO for dentists

Juggling a dental practice and planning SEO marketing can be challenging. You don’t have to master SEO marketing for dentists to enjoy the benefits. Instead, hire an expert from a reputed dental SEO company. 

Well, you can optimize your business website to get more sales, though. With a huge demand for dental SEO services, you’ll find hundreds of SEO companies online. Don’t let them overwhelm you.

Learn the basics and follow these essential tips to hire the most suitable dental SEO company for your practice.

Hiring Dental SEO Company: A Complete Guide

Understand the Basics of Dentist SEO

Empower yourself with a basic SEO understanding. This will help you channel your investment on the right page.

SEO embodies various paid and organic techniques to rank your website first on SERPs. Organic methods can be used free of cost to drive traffic through natural search algorithms. Paid techniques include search ads that are featured above the organic results. 

Black Hat vs White Hat SEO Techniques

SEO techniques can be categorized into white hat techniques and black hat techniques.

Black Hat Techniques

Black hat techniques work on the loopholes in the search engine algorithm. Black hat techniques can drive sizable traffic to your website initially. But eventually, black hat techniques can prove dangerous for your website.

Once a search engine identifies any black hat techniques, it will (temporarily or permanently) take down your website from its servers. Result?

You’ll lose investment, effort and time. Stay away from the dental SEO services that offer you black hat techniques.

White Hat Techniques For Dentist SEO

White hat techniques are sustainable and ethical methods to increase your website visibility on the SERPs. 

Now that you are clear on the difference between the white and black techniques let’s make you familiar with the white hat methods-

  • Relevant and well-researched website content
  • Build high-quality and authoritative backlinks
  • A dedicated and highly informative blog section
  • Site optimized for mobile and tablets
  • High-quality keyword research
  • Amazing user experience design
  • Proper Geographic tagging
  • Quality paid marketing copy
  • Maintaining the optimum keyword density

It is essential to get the dentist SEO right to drive quality traffic to your website. White hat techniques make your website legitimate. Hire a dental SEO company that can build relevant backlinks to increase your dental website’s visibility. 

Geographic tagging helps to enable local SEO for dentists. Your practice will then appear on the local searches. Without a proper local dentist SEO strategy, you may lose out on huge traffic. 

With quality SEO marketing for dentists, you just don’t promote your practice. You empower your prospective clients with relevant information. You automatically start building up a stellar brand image. 

Experienced SEO experts explain these techniques to you when you hire them for your project. 

Identify a legitimate Dental SEO Company

As a customer, you’re rightfully concerned about the SOPs of the dental SEO company you plan on hiring. 

SEO companies themselves should use optimization techniques for their websites. Spam comments, suspicious re-directs, poor or duplicate content, and keyword stuffing are red flags that you need to look at on their websites. 

Ask questions to understand the brand value of your website. Here are a few questions that you can ask a dental SEO company:

  • Do they understand how dental practice works?
  • Do they have a dedicated blog section with exclusive content SEO for dentists?
  • Have they worked with other dental businesses or your competitors? 
  • If they have or are working with your competitors, how do they ensure data privacy? 
  • Will they offer a customized SEO strategy to fulfill your objectives?
  • What results are expected?
  • Ask for case studies and success stories. How did they achieve results in the past?
  • Do they provide local SEO services?

Maintain Steady Communication

Communication is the hack to successful project management. As a service provider, a professional dental SEO company should keep updating you with relevant information. 

They should ask for your suggestion, give you information on expected results and be transparent about the timeline.

You are paying for the SEO service. Therefore as a customer, you have certain rights. 

You should be assigned a dedicated point of contact. You can ask for any project related query, raise your concerns and give feedback.

The hired company should also furnish you with a legal contract clearly stating the project’s scope, terms and conditions.

Stay Clear from Hidden Costs

Get a detailed quote. This will help you to align your budget. 

Keep yourself informed about additional services. Certain other services, like managing Google Ad Campaigns, might not be a part of your package. However, you can pay and opt for such additional services. 

Get Started

Now that you are aware of how to hire the right dental SEO company, start your research. Use free consultations to hire the best service. 

Make your business stand out with the right dentist SEO strategy.